To close out my 4th season, I’m honored to reconnect with a returning guest from one of my top episodes. Sean Litvak is a highly-respected facility services industry executive who built his successful sales and operations leadership career on teaching independent decision-making and empowerment with his employees. Last spring, Sean joined us (Season 3, Episode 9) discussing self-awareness and how he learned to listen with the intent to understand. Today he’s bringing learnings from a whole new leadership use case – PROVERBS. Dictionary.com says a PROVERB is a short popular saying that expresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought – and Sean has just written a leadership book filled with proverbs. Please welcome Vonachen Group Sr. Director of Business Development – and now published author, Sean Litvak!
In 2021, I invited Sean to the ManagerMirror because of his steadfast commitment to developing other leaders both within his industry and in his broader network interactions. Sean shared stories from his career including stops at KIMCO, Atalian, and now Vonachen Group and learnings from his work hosting “Litvak Leadership Live”. Over his career, Sean has delivered financial performance through the successful sales teams he’s built and managed. He has has centered his work around personal growth and accountability and he’s a champion of reminding us to control what we CAN control – starting with attitude. This January, Sean is releasing “Proverbs for Leadership” which he wrote combining his life experiences, career learnings, and favorite spiritual guidance. The book is written in short sections – so readers can get topical content when they need it, at their own pace. Last time he was our guest, he spoke about specific management lessons and shared techniques for listening. Today, Sean is joining us to discuss the book and some tips on how he applies these perspectives in his leadership style. Connect with Sean on LinkedIn and visit his book launch page at https://litvakleadership.com/proverbsforleadership!