Throughout his career, Mike has repeatedly built teams from the ground up. His journey as a people manager includes the full life-cycle of creating production teams where there were none before. Mike has had to identify and articulate the need, scope the roles, hire the professionals, onboard and train teams, and then lead them to production results delivery on multiple occasions during his 19 years with Lowes. Mike’s outstanding delivery as a corporate people manager led him to accept roles with AIG and Belk and today he’s currently the Director of QA and Project Management with Bridgetree.
Having been exposed to different corporate cultures, and watching winning happen through different methods, gives Mike unique perspective on the variety of challenges people managers face in a corporate setting today. Mike’s compiled his observations about leadership in his newly-released book, “The drive through is not always faster”. You can find it on amazon.com and at thedrivethrubook.com. Mike shares his insights regularly and you can follow him on Linkedin, Twitter, and his own consulting page mikelyles.me.