YUPRO Placement Senior Vice President Katie Breault has built her career managing teams who are changing the way corporate America evaluates potential employees. She’s a pioneer in helping businesses shift to skills-based talent acquisition, a certified practitioner of Myers-Briggs, and a Gallup-certified strengths coach. Praised by her past employees for how she delivers results while engaging diverse perspective from staff, she’s joining us today to share her story and some tips we can put into practice with our teams. You’ll hear Katie discuss how she removes ego from her management work, and she shares a few tips on how she puts learnings from those personality tests into practice with her staff.
I’ve invited Katie to the ManagerMirror because I wanted to learn more about her unique perspective on leadership, and the work her teams are doing with early-career professionals. Katie’s career started out working in nonprofits and policy where she quickly moved from individual contributor into team leadership. She discovered her passion for building pathways to employment for talented, nontraditional early career candidates when she mentored a student from the leading national workforce development organization, Year Up, 10 years ago. The experience inspired her change careers so she could lead in an organization serves traditionally overlooked talent skilled through alternative routes. While developing her non-profit leadership skills, Katie became certified as a Gallup ‘StrengthsFinder’ coach along with becoming a certified practitioner of the ‘Myers-Briggs Step II Instrument’. In addition to her day-job managing her staff, Katie has served as a board member for three additional non-profits. Follow Katie on LinkedIn and her YUPRO website to stay current with her leadership content and find all the ways her teams are changing how we hire for good!